Videos, Bob Weissbourd, President of RW Ventures, describes the long-standing inequality in our economy and how they are driving inclusive economic growth in Chicago. Previous Learn. Explore. Activate. In Place. (LEAP) Next David Warm, Executive Director of the Mid-America Regional Council, discusses the importance of getting the civics right. You Might Also Like Rod Miller, CEO of Invest Puerto Rico, highlights the Next Economy opportunities and how we ensure inclusion in our economic recovery. David Warm, Executive Director of the Mid-America Regional Council, discusses the importance of getting the civics right. Tawanna Black, Founder & CEO of the Center for Economic Inclusion in Minneapolis-St. Paul, delivers a powerful call to action for racial & economic justice. Mekaelia Davis, Director, Inclusive Economies at the Surdna Foundation, challenges us to reimagine the economy and boldly drive systemic change. NGIN CEO M. Yasmina McCarty calls for an Inclusive Economic Recovery as we rebuild the economy from COVID-19.
Videos, Bob Weissbourd, President of RW Ventures, describes the long-standing inequality in our economy and how they are driving inclusive economic growth in Chicago. Previous Learn. Explore. Activate. In Place. (LEAP) Next David Warm, Executive Director of the Mid-America Regional Council, discusses the importance of getting the civics right. You Might Also Like Rod Miller, CEO of Invest Puerto Rico, highlights the Next Economy opportunities and how we ensure inclusion in our economic recovery. David Warm, Executive Director of the Mid-America Regional Council, discusses the importance of getting the civics right. Tawanna Black, Founder & CEO of the Center for Economic Inclusion in Minneapolis-St. Paul, delivers a powerful call to action for racial & economic justice. Mekaelia Davis, Director, Inclusive Economies at the Surdna Foundation, challenges us to reimagine the economy and boldly drive systemic change. NGIN CEO M. Yasmina McCarty calls for an Inclusive Economic Recovery as we rebuild the economy from COVID-19.